Friday, March 28, 2008


Well, we had a fire drill today and we practically were "burning" standing under the sun. PCL was at 10.30 but at 9.50 the bell went off. Most of us did not even hear the bell as the lab was noisy. Then suddenly this announcement, "Due to emergency pls evacuate the building" went on and on over the speaker. Being good students, we were contemplating whether or not to carry our thinsg. Finally we left. Not knowing where to go, I just followed the crowd. No briefing nothing. Just stood under the sun for 15 min to take attendance. The whole finished 10 mins before PCL started. (Everyone was hoping the drill would be longer to avoid PCL).

The whole drill reminded me of what happened in my secondary school. During one of the drills, the fireman were there to see how fast we react and gather in case of a fire. And during the feedback session this was one of their observation: One teacher actually ran back into the class to get her hand bag. Imagine if it was a real fire?

1 comment:

Terence said...

i think that teacher did the right thing.. otherwise i think her handbag would have been swallowed by the 'fire'.. i mean unclean hands