Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I have my bed and my teddy tonight, what else do I need for a good night sleep!

2 weeks away from home, I began to appreciate the wonders of being in the comfort of home and familiarity.

As I go through the pictures and the talk about my trip to another land, other details float in my mind.

The power of language. Speaking a language not known to others around you so that you can pass info the those who do understand. How my dad and I talked about so many things and people around us just eavesdrop although they don't understand a single word we say.

The some sign of happiness we get when we meet some one there from here, although we are surrounded by own relatives there.

The fact that we still have good and obedient drivers here!

How most of us don't even know how our neighbours look like.


Monday, February 2, 2009

The journey

I have always loved traveling by trains. By this, yes, I also mean the local public transport system trains. True, people have complained how bad the trains are at times, I have enjoyed most of my rides:)

The times where I have had random people smile at me, the times where I randomly play with kids next to me and have people stare at the title of the book that you're reading ( I had people trying to read the back cover too). The times where I get squashed between people due to my height, how some passengers scold other passengers who get into the train without letting others disembark first, how most people check their phones as soon as they get into the train and the random conversations I had.

But most of all, I enjoy just sitting and starring thorough the window. Looking through the clouds and the mind wanders to a far away land. The present does not matter anymore. Not even the people around you. I love this moments. It gives a certain pleasure that we tend to miss everyday. The only time, where you rule everything. There is no limitation what so ever.
And I thats what I did today!