Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Well, it has been more than a month since I turned 21 and yeah, this "still cute little" (I don't think I am cute) girl has turned 21.

People have constantly asked the "usual" questions: what is it like to be 21? Practically an adult now, can you make decisions?

What is it like to be 21 you ask, I say NO difference. I run the same routine as was when I was 20, I don't think I suddenly became mature over a year, I still behave like a child sometimes, talk like one too, never want to make my own decisions, still daddy's little girl, so yeah nothing has changed.

Some part of me hope somethings will change, but another likes the way things are at the moment. Then again, change is inevitable, it will happen soon. Am I ready? I am not sure, but I will, I hope someday. Turning 21 is not going to give me all the answers and maturity suddenly, its what I have learnt till I turned 21 will and what I am about to learn.

So to all those questions, I am still the way I am: still learning, still changing, still exploring:)

ps: I had a sms on my birthday from a friend: You are old enough to vote!
Old enough, yes; mature enough, I wonder!